Made it! All by myself, too! I successfully navigated O'Hare, managing to both find my gate and miss seeing Michael Phelps, who was rumored to be walking around the same terminal wing. After landing at Heathrow in London, I sailed through customs, claimed my baggage, and found the ticket office for the Heathrow Express, which would take me downtown. From the giant Paddington Station, I found the taxi line and hailed a cab to take me the rest of the way to the dorm. After unpacking and exploring my tiny room, I decided to explore the greater outdoors, known as Kings Road, where I found food and purchased the required cell phone. Oh, and I also discovered the Thames. It's only a couple of blocks down the road.
Family Times
14 years ago
1 comment:
And do you have to share this microscopic space with another human being?
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